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J E S S I C A 

It's a marathon. Not a sprint.


A U R E N 






SoCal transplant.

when in doubt--


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Besides reading and writing, what else consumes my time? Nothing. ((Move on to next section.)) Ha! Ok it does feel that way some days but, there's a bit more to me than pictures and prose.

I'm a HuffenClaw Targaryen. That about sums it up. Besides riding dragons in my spare time, I'm a total foodie! You'll find me in the kitchen experimenting ways to add 'some healthy' to my favorite fatty dishes. Exploring restaurants in new places is always at the top of my tourist list, along with perusing Whole Foods like it's a gift shop. By day I may be shoving down a box of spinach for breakfast but by night you'll definitely find me hiding in a closet with a box of Pop-Tarts, three days a week--minimum. Netflix binges are my jam. The Office is my favorite show, and yes it's that good. ((THATS WHAT SHE SAID!)) I'm a sucker for any show that involves Roman soldiers, D.C. political drama, or dragons. Bonus points for all three.

On a quirkier note, I'm one of the weird people that don't enjoy the beach. Why? #BecauseSand. I can't drink coffee ((Yes, pity me.)) but I would bathe in the fragrance. 



Current Projects

As an 8-year-old I could be found nose deep under the covers with a flashlight and Goosebumps novels. I'd read until I was too spooked to go to sleep. Ha! I must have permanent scars because surprisingly Horror isn't my favorite genre. I enjoy a wide variety, from gritty dystopian novels that challenge my core beliefs, to quirky historical memoirs that prompt late-night Wikipedia binging. I'll dive into anything make-believe head first without a bungee cord. I've read George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones series thrice and it's equally thrilling each time. A few of my favorite stories, in no particular order are: The Divergent Series, Harry Potter, The Circle Series, Unbroken by Hillenbrand, The Girl on the Train, Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin, and anything by Jane Austen. 


Currently I'm reading a peers contemporary YA manuscript that takes me back to high school, with Rory Gilmore's sarcastic wit and a dark fantasy twist. I'm enthralled. I'm also reading an epic fantasy manuscript that weaves a world reminiscent of Jane Austen with that of Harry Potter. Besides those two lovers, I find myself cheating with book boyfriend, The Cruel Prince by Holly Black when I can get away. 






1. I'm teachable

2. A quick-study

3. With a positive attitude

4. And superb follow through

5. Quite determined

6. And resiliently thick-skinned

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WHY WRITE | I'm a words person. I've loved words and craved them since I was little. Love notes are my thing! I aim to use words to love and encourage others, both in writing and speech. Words are incredibly powerful and often spewed without care. They can inspire a child to shoot for the stars, or shatter their dreams in a span of seconds. Choosing kind words is at the top of my "Strive For" list each day. In that same vein, kindness is the best type of confetti-- throw it around without caution and as often as possible. My love of those two things brings my pen to paper. Whether it's a blog post about surviving Mondays or a story of a heroine battling evil, my goal is the same. Words to paper is the means. Encouragement (I hope) is the end.


Turning my back on pre-med to pursue Journalism ruffled more than a few feathers. I wanted to spend my days examining the anatomy of sentences, not people. Storytelling is a significant part of my life behind the camera and with my pen (read: keyboard). Bringing characters to life vividly is my author muse. I want to build characters readers crave to spent time with. If I haven't audibly shocked you or made you cry, I didn't do my job. 

WHY THIS | I wanted to illustrate an extreme example of the tendency to marginalize and stereotype those that look or behave differently-- to the extent even genocide is rationalized. Inspired by both the Holocaust and current domestic race/gender tensions in the US, my premise felt original, timely and provocatively bold. The Purist Desires is a 98,000-word fantasy novel that's both challenging and compelling. It's my hope the first chapter grips you in suspense and yanks those heart strings. Half way in, if I've done my job well you won't know who to hate and who to love. Much like the real-world my novel blurs the lines between right and wrong, leaving the reader to decipher who to root for. Sneak peek of my WIP here,

WHY NOW | It's been 3 years and I'd like to enjoy sleep again sometime soon. Getting this story out of my head is a step in the right direction. In all seriousness, I'm inspired to use complex characters and emotive narrative to challenge people to love more, hate less-- and always hope. 

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